Apply Now! Applications are due on February 28, 2025.

Apply Now! Applications are due on February 28, 2025.

Welcome to College Now!

Program Overview.

The Mountain View Los Altos High School District and Foothill College have collaborated on a new program - College Now! - so that qualifying juniors and seniors can start college early and graduate from high school with a year or more of transferable college credit.

College Now! is ideal for students who are highly self-motivated, mature, independent, responsible and hardworking.  These students may have 'outgrown' high school and are seeking a stimulating educational environment that is different from their home high school.

College Now! participants can experience education in a challenging and inspiring environment that engages students in college-level work while technically still in high school.  They can save thousands of dollars in tuition and fees by earning college credits at the same time they are finishing their high school graduation requirements.